Thanks to Bruce Cumings's new book "The Korean War: A History", the “forgotten war”- the one that has still not ended because it ended in an armistice, rather than a full peace treaty- is under a bit of spotlight.
The Korean war (1950–1953) rarely figures in Marathi literature.
B S Mardhekar’s (बा. सी. मर्ढेकर) few poems must be an exception because he was a poet with global sensibilities.
"अजून येतो वास फुलांना" (Still fragrance emanates from flowers) first published in February 1951, written probably in Trichy / Tiruchchirappalli, is one of them.
Third stanza:
"भूकंपाचा इकडे धक्का
पलीकडे अन् युध्द- नगारे;
चहूंकडे अन् एकच गिल्ला,
जुन्या शवांवर नवे निखारे."
(Here a shake of a tremour
That side war-drums;
all around one hell of racket,
new embers on old corpses.")
Tremour here is the Assam one of August 15 1950. War drums belong to Korea.
7th stanza too refers to the war:
"जगून थोडें अखेर मरणें
उघडझांप ही डोळ्यांचीच;
अंधारांतुन राडाराचा
किरण चालला सलत पुढेंच."
(To die after living a while
Like blinking of eyes;
through darkness radar's
ray moves ahead cutting.)
[some of this is based on M V Dhond's 'Tarīhi Yeto Wasa Phulānnā' (म. वा. धोंड, 'तरीहि येतो वास फुलांना')]
Korean war is still not over. In March 2010, North Korea allegedly torpedoed a South Korean naval corvette, costing 46 lives.
Old embers on new corpses?
नव्या शवांवर जुने निखारे?

Artist: Alan Dunn, The New Yorker, August 26
Sixty years later, the picture above remains relevant. Just replace Europe with Iraq and Korea with Afghanistan. Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace?