M V Dhond म वा धोंड taught us how R D Karve's objectives were much broader than just "family planning".
Visit for my take on Karve's work here.
I have said elsewhere on this blog how we Indians are so poor at preserving our history. Even the history of 19-20th century, let alone the earlier one.
Marathi has seen lots of good, interesting stuff since mid-19th century. But little remains accessible to general public.
On January 13, 2008 Washington Post reviewed a "cluster of smartly designed, comprehensive reprints of vintage comics, going all the way back to the beginning of the 20th century -- and, in one notable case, earlier."
In Maharashtra, I have rarely seen such reprints in recent times.
One notable exception was Popular Prakashan's पॉप्युलर प्रकाशन reprinting of 'Riyasatkar' Govind Sakharam Sardesai's रियासतकार सरदेसाई work.
Now comes Padmagandha Prakashan's पद्मगंधा प्रकाशन project to reprint the entire work of R D Karve. It is slated for a release on March 15, 2008.

source: Lalit ललित January 2008