There are multiple posts on VSN on this blog, created over the years....search the blog using google- naipaul site:searchingforlaugh.blogspot.com- to reach them)
V S Naipaul on Dr. B R Ambedkar’s birth anniversary celebration in Mumbai,
“India A Million Mutinies Now”, 1990:
"...There had, indeed, been a religious stillness about the people in
the line. They had been like people gaining merit through doing the right
thing. The Dr Ambedkar idea made sense of the flags and the emblems of which I
had had a memory. The people I had seen were honouring their leader, their
saint, their deity; and by this they were honouring themselves as well..."
V S Naipaul on Pakistan, 'Beyond Belief: Islamic Excursions Among the
Converted Peoples', 1981:
“...It was Muslim insecurity that led
to the call for the creation of Pakistan. It went at the same time with an idea
of old glory, of the invaders sweeping down from the northwest and looting the
temples of Hindustan and imposing the faith on the infidel. The fantasy still
lives; and for the Muslim converts of the subcontinent it is the start of their
neurosis, because in this fantasy the convert forgets who or what he is and
becomes the violator. It is as though—switching continents—the indigenous
people of Mexico and Peru were to side with Cortés and Pizarro and the
Spaniards as the bringers of the true faith..."
दुर्गा भागवत:
"...मानवी अंतरंग असो किंवा
बाह्य सृष्टी असो,
प्रकृतीचे आकलन, व तेही
सूक्ष्म असल्याशिवाय, कल्पना उंचावत नाहीत,
भावना संयत होत
नाहीत. विभूषित होत नाहीत.
आणि म्हणूनच फुलपाखरांचा
अभाव हा भारतीय
साहित्याच्या अनेक अभांवाचा
प्रातिनिधिक अभाव आहे
असे मला वाटते…

Artist: Unknown to me; courtesy: The Spectator, UK 2007
V S Naipaul: “The outer world matters only in so far as it affects the inner. It is the Indian way of experiencing…”
"...And this is how, in his autobiography, The
Story of My Experiments with Truth, written nearly forty years later, when he
had become the Mahatma, Gandhi remembers the great adventure (the translation
is by his secretary, Mahadev Desai):
I did not feel at all sea-sick … I was
innocent of the use of knives and forks … I therefore never took meals at table
but always had them in my cabin, and they consisted principally of sweets and
fruits I had brought with me … We entered the Bay of Biscay, but I did not
begin to feel the need either of meat or liquor … However, we reached
Southampton, as far as I remember, on a Saturday. On the boat I had worn a
black suit, the white flannel one, which my friends had got me, having been
kept especially for wearing when I landed. I had thought that white clothes
would suit me better when I stepped ashore, and therefore I did so in white
flannels. Those were the last days of September, and I found I was the only
person wearing such clothes.
That is the voyage: an internal adventure
of anxieties felt and food eaten, with not a word of anything seen or heard
that did not directly affect the physical or mental well-being of the writer.
The inward concentration is fierce, the self-absorption complete. Southampton is
lost in that embarrassment (and rage) about the white flannels. The name of the
port is mentioned once, and that is all, as though the name is description
enough. That it was late September was important only because it was the wrong
time of the year for white flannels; it is not a note about the weather. Though
Gandhi spent three years in England, there is nothing in his autobiography
about the climate or the seasons, so unlike the heat and monsoon of Gujarat and
Bombay; and the next date he is precise about is the date of his departure.
No London building is described, no street,
no room, no crowd, no public conveyance. The London of 1890, capital of the
world – which must have been overwhelming to a young man from a small Indian
town – has to be inferred from Gandhi’s continuing internal disturbances, his
embarrassments, his religious self-searchings, his attempts at dressing
correctly and learning English manners, and, above all, his difficulties and
occasional satisfactions about food...."
('India: A Wounded Civilization', 1976)
courtesy: cover artist and the publisher