(The Simpsons, Season 20, Episode 13: "Gone Maggie Gone")
This winter the moon shone so brightly in the morning sky that I just couldn't ignore it.
Even if I don't see it, the moon always plays on my mind.
During the childhood, we often sat outside our house and talked about the moon as if she was our neighbour. Not just that as if she was sitting next to us...(I was so sure she kept a pet rabbit).
But today I don't think the moon plays any significant role in my son's life. I don't know if he even notices it.
It was our mother who often asked us to look at the skies with naked eyes and take in the beauty...Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Comets...
Talking of comets, I distinctly remember how one day before the daybreak she woke us up to show either of these two great comets: Kohoutek (1973) or West (1975-76).
I was a bit scared by the beauty in the sky- kind of Maynard from the picture below if he acted on his wife's advice and went out- because the comet was almost in my face.

Artist: Charles Addams, The New Yorker, 25 July 1983