"... During the war…
I was brought to the unit…To the front line. The commander
met me with the words, “Take your hat off, please.” I was surprised…I took it
off…In the recruiting office we were given crew cuts, but while we were in the
army camps, while we were going to the front, my hair grew back a bit. It began
to curl, I had curly hair. Tight curls…You can’t tell now, I’m already old…And
so he looks and looks at me: “I haven’t seen a woman for two years. I just want
to look.”
After the war…
I lived in a communal apartment. My neighbors were all
married, and they insulted me. They taunted me: “Ha-ha-ha…Tell us how you
whored around there with the men…” They used to put vinegar into my pot of
boiled potatoes. Or add a tablespoon of salt…Ha-ha-ha…"
"... How did the Motherland meet us? I can’t speak without
sobbing…It was forty years ago, but my cheeks still burn. The men said nothing,
but the women…They shouted to us, “We know what you did there! You lured our
men with your young c——! Army whores…Military bitches…” They insulted us in all
possible ways…The Russian vocabulary is rich…"
नोबेल पारितोषिक विजेत्या स्वेटलाना आलेक्सियवक (Svetlana Alexievich) यांचे 'नवे' (म्हणजे uncensored version), २००४ पुस्तक- “THE UNWOMANLY FACE OF WAR : An Oral History of Women in
World War II”-
त्याच्या इंग्लिश अनुवादरूपात बहुचर्चित ठरले आहे.
मला स्वतःला हा विषय अतिशय महत्वाचा वाटतो.
"Volunteer Russian women warriors
take up arms in defense of their country"
Credit: Bettmann Archive, via Getty Images and The New York Times
डॅनियल बीर (Daniel Beer) 'लिटररी रिव्यू' (Literary Review) मधील परीक्षणात लिहतात :
society struggled to reconcile contemporary ideas of femininity with the
murderous reality of combat. As the mother of one prolific sniper said on
learning of her daughter’s death, ‘Maybe it’s for the best that Roza died. How
could she have lived after the war? She shot so many people.’ A lot of female
soldiers returned from battle to face accusations of being ‘frontline whores’
who had seduced men while their devoted wives waited anxiously for their safe
हे सगळे वाचून मला उत्तर पेशवाईतील आणि त्यानंतरच्या काळातील मराठी स्त्रियांचे 'THE UNWOMANLY FACE OF WAR' आठवले. म वा धोंडांनी त्याबाबत त्यांच्या 'मऱ्हाटी लावणी', १९५६, २००३ च्या प्रस्तावनेत विस्ताराने लिहले आहे.
माझ्या कडील आवृत्तीत ४४-४५ पानांवर तो भाग येतो. त्यातील काही भाग खालील पानांवर पहा. डाउनलोड करून मोठे करून वाचू शकाल.
सौजन्य : कै. म वा धोंडांच्या साहित्याचे सध्याचे कॉपीराईट होल्डर्स , मौज प्रकाशन गृह
श्री. धोंडांच्या वरील लेखनातील ऐतिहासिक घटना बहुतेक खऱ्या असाव्यात (वासुदेवशास्त्री खऱ्यांच्या आणि रियासतकार सरदेसाईंच्या पुस्तकांवर त्या आधारित आहेत. पहा त्या पुस्तकातले पान २४०) पण धोंडांचा तर्क, लिहण्याचा टोन मला अजिबात मान्य नाही. वरचा सगळा मजकूर स्त्रियांना केंद्रस्थानी धरून लिहला तर फार वेगळा दिसेल.
उदा: काय झाल स्त्रियांनी शरीर कमावून कुस्ती खेळली तर ? २१व्या शतकातील 'दंगल'ची ती जननी आहे. श्री अमीर खान यांना हे कदाचित माहिती नसेल.
"... पुरुष जेंव्हा स्वार्थी, स्वैराचारी , स्त्रैण व भ्याड बनतात , तेंव्हा स्त्रीया राजकारणे करू पाहतात, घराबाहेर पडतात , हातात शस्त्रं धरतात आणि अंती त्यांच्याप्रमाणे बेजबाबदार, उच्छृंखळ, पुरुषी व बदफैली बनतात" हे विधान मानवी इतिहासाच्या कोणत्याही कालखंडासाठी पटत नाही.
एक-दोन उदाहरणे.
दुसऱ्या महायुद्धाचे प्रसिद्ध इतिहासकार अँटनी बीव्हर (Antony Beevor) म्हणतात :
"... And then, of course, they found their menfolk when
they returned from the war simply couldn’t face up to the reality that they had
not been able to protect their women. And one saw a fascinating but dismaying
gender divide in that particular way. In many ways it was the women who were
morally far stronger than the men. She describes how the role of the women is
to support all these fragile men and basically massage their egos because
otherwise they will go to pieces."
Dr. Neil Faulkner: "... In their heyday, the ancient Olympics—before
Macedonian warlords and Roman politicians sullied them—had more in common with
one of today's free open-air music festivals than with the corporate carnival
planned for London this year. Besides the sport, sacrifice and sex, a profound
spirit of democracy and egalitarianism suffused the games. Provided, of course,
you were a freeborn Greek man—not a woman, a foreigner or a slave."
कारणे काही असोत, १८/१९व्या शतकातील बऱ्याच मराठी स्त्रीया चूल आणि मूल सोडून किंवा संसाराला आधार देण्यासाठी व्यवसायाचे (पारंपारिक पुरुषी) वेगवेगळे मार्ग पत्करत होत्या आणि हे सगळे स्वागतार्हच म्हटले पाहिजे.
धोंड आज असते तर त्यांनी निश्चित ह्या इतिहासाकडे वेगळ्या दृष्टीने पहिले असते. र धों कर्वे अभ्यासिल्यानंतर त्यांनी या विषयाकडे पुन्हा एकदा वळायला पाहिजे होते.
विल्यम डॅलरिंपल (William Dalrymple) त्यांच्या 'Begums, Thugs and White Mughals. The Journals of Fanny Parkes' या फॅनी पार्क्स १७९४-१८७५ (Fanny Parkes) यांच्या सुंदर पुस्तकाच्या प्रस्तावनेत, धोंड उल्लेख करतात त्या, बायजाबाई शिंदेबद्दल काय लिहतात ते पहा:
“... In Calcutta, in Lucknow, at Khāsganj and in Delhi,
Fanny repeatedly visits the women of different harems and reports about the
life, the pleasures and the sorrows of the women she encounters there. One women
in particular she befriends, Bāiza Bāī, the dowager Maratha queen of Gwalior
who had been deposed by her son and sent into exile at Fatehgar in British
territory not far from Cawnpore.
Fanny found a common love of riding with the Queen, and
describes learning to ride Maratha style, while trying to teach Bāzai Bāī’s
women how to ride side-saddle. Always impatient with Western notions of
feminine decorum, Fanny records how ‘I thought of Queen Elizabeth, and her
stupidity in changing the style of riding for women’.
Far from fantasising the sensual pleasures to be had in the
Eastern harem, as was the wont of many of the male painters and writers of her
time, Fanny reports on her perceptions of the reality of the lives of Indian
women, and especially the restrictions which she felt women in both East and
West suffered in common: ‘We spoke of the severity of the laws of England with
respect to married women, how completely by law they are the slaves of their
husbands, and how little hope there is of redress.’ It is at such points that
Fanny’s Wanderings becomes an explicitly feminist text. In fact it is one of
the great pleasures of the book that the more Fanny wanders, free of her
husband, the more outspoken, sympathetic and independent she becomes....”
माझ्या मते, दुसऱ्या महायुद्धातील रशियन बायकांसारखेच, मराठी स्त्रियांना उत्तर पेशवाईत आणि त्या नंतर जगण्यासाठी जे करायला लागले ते त्यांनी केले. त्यासाठी ज्या तडजोडी करायला लागल्या त्या त्यांनी केल्या. तशा तडजोडी त्यांच्यापेक्षा जास्त प्रमाणात त्याचे कुटुंबीय आणि त्याहूनही जास्त इंग्रज करत होते.
१९व्य शतकाच्या उत्तरार्धातील राणी लक्ष्मीबाईंच्या मर्दानी कर्तृत्वाचा उदय ह्याच स्त्रीयांमधून झाला आहे.

Johann Zoffany, 1788 and Bal Thakur (बाळ ठाकूर)
मला या पोस्टचा शेवट आणखी एका पुस्तकाचे नाव लिहून करायचाय: Stacy Schiff यांचे 'Cleopatra: A Life', २०१०. हे अप्रतिम पुस्तक मी वाचायला सुरवात केलीय आणि जागोजागी माझ्या लक्षात येतय की एक स्त्री राज्यकर्ती म्हणून आपले किती biases असू शकतात ते.
“... Many people have spoken for her, including the greatest
playwrights and poets; we have been putting words in her mouth for two thousand
years. In one of the busiest afterlives in history she has gone on to become an
asteroid, a video game, a cliché, a cigarette, a slot machine, a strip club, a
synonym for Elizabeth Taylor. Shakespeare attested to Cleopatra’s infinite
variety. He had no idea.
If the name is indelible, the image is blurry. Cleopatra may
be one of the most recognizable figures in history but we have little idea of
what she actually looked like. Only her coin portraits—issued in her lifetime,
and which she likely approved—can be accepted as authentic. We remember her too
for the wrong reasons. A capable, clear-eyed sovereign, she knew how to build a
fleet, suppress an insurrection, control a currency, alleviate a famine. An
eminent Roman general vouched for her grasp of military affairs. Even at a time
when women rulers were no rarity she stood out, the sole female of the ancient
world to rule alone and to play a role in Western affairs. She was incomparably
richer than anyone else in the Mediterranean. And she enjoyed greater prestige
than any other woman of her age, as an excitable rival king was reminded when
he called, during her stay at his court, for her assassination. (In light of
her stature, it could not be done.) Cleopatra descended from a long line of
murderers and faithfully upheld the family tradition but was, for her time and
place, remarkably well behaved. She nonetheless survives as a wanton temptress,
not the last time a genuinely powerful woman has been transmuted into a
shamelessly seductive one...”
१९५६सालचे धोंड-सर काय म्हणाले असते क्लिओपात्रांबद्दल कुणास ठावूक ?
courtsey: respective cover artists of both the books