"...I no longer believe that tragedy and comedy are two different planets. They are just two different windows from which we can view the same landscape of our lives..."
Never to know one's mother must be the only tragedy greater than never to know one's father.
G A Kulkarni जी ए कुलकर्णी wrote in 1977:
तीर्थरूप आबांस,
डोळे उघडून उठून बसत मी तुम्हाला नीट
पाहण्यापूर्वीच तुमची पावले उंबऱ्याबाहेर
पडली होती."
(Respected Father,
Before I opened eyes while sitting up to have a good look at you, your feet had crossed the threshold)
This moved me but I what liked more was…
Mel Brooks:
“I can’t tell you what sadness, what pain it is to me never to have known my father…If only I could look at him, touch his face, see if he had eyebrows!”

Artist: Dana Fradon The New Yorker 1 May 1965