The past issues of Chandoba (चांदोबा) are available online here.
I looked up the issue of the month I was borne May 1960.
Following products/companies have either half or full page ad:
1. Parle Monaco Biscuits

Caption on the top right reads: "सुशीलेच्या पार्ट्या म्हणजे नाविन्यानें नटलेल्या!" (Sushila's parties are bedecked with newness!)
[remember Monaco too once was 'new' (on the lines of 'every word was a poem once').
Today, I feel, Monaco biscuits are one of the most value for money products in the market. The other day I was surprised to see the number of biscuits that still come in a five-rupees pack.
But I wonder if stylish Sushila- although a bit too anorexic for a 1960's look and certainly far cry from fellow Chandoba women- serves them in her party anymore!
And when did you last hear a girl in a party-giving Marathi home named Sushila? Isn't it so pre-historic? Now the criterion for a new-born child's name is: its meaning should not be understood by any one but parents.]
2. Calendars by Sharda Enterprises
3. Books published by Cottage industry
4. Remy Beauty Products

(its fragrance now has vanished.)
5. Nutrine Confectionery Company (now part of the Godrej group)
6. Iris Inks
7. Energy food
8. Lama Hair Dye
9. Rexona
10. Lifebuoy

11. Parry's sweets
I may not be thriving but a number of products/ companies- bold and in green- from the list above are!
Apple was just a fruit in 1960, will it return to be just a fruit in 2062? I won't know!