“THE Pentagon’s recent decision not to award the Purple Heart to veterans and soldiers suffering from post-traumatic stress has caused great controversy. Historically, the medal has gone only to those who have been physically wounded on the battlefield as a result of enemy action. But with approximately one-third of veterans dealing with symptoms of combat stress or major depression, many Americans are disappointed with the Pentagon’s decision; many more are downright appalled…
…I suggest we call this medal the Black Heart. Certainly the hearts of these soldiers are black, with the terrible things they saw and did on the battlefield. Certainly the country should see these Black Hearts pinned on their chests.”
In India, many ordinary citizens suffer deep physical and mental wounds when they get caught in mindless violence of one kind or the other.
What colour chakra should we pin on their chests?

Artist: Zachary Kanin. The New Yorker, February 2 2009, Cartoon Caption Contest # 179
My caption:
Doctor: “…I was attending an international conference at the Hotel Intercontinental Grand, Mumbai on January 21. Then, I drove down to Karnataka via Belgaum to be with my smartly dressed daughter at a Mangalore pub on the evening of January 24. Finally, I was the chief-guest at a function of a Nashik Municipal Corporation school on January 26."