"...The survey, commissioned to mark World Book Day, asked which best-selling book of the past decade people would give to young people...
...More than 1,000 people aged 16 to 64 were surveyed across Britain..."
At number nine came, 'The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins, 2006.
Recently Ian Mcewan's 'Solar' was published.
I mention them because I was impressed the way cartoonists of Spectator celebrated both these books.
I am always touched seeing the way artists are loved by other artists.
In recent years, I have not seen such an example in Marathi cartoons. I will be happy to be proven wrong.
Cat doesn't know (care?) about god but is absorbed in reading 'The Dog Delusion'!

Artist: Geoff Thompson, The Spectator
If Mcewan's book is not sold, it surely can be put to good use!
