यस्याद्धारणसंयुक्तं स धर्म इति निश्चयः
("Dharma upholds both this-worldly and other-worldly affairs")
(Mahabharat, 12.110.11)
Dharma (धर्म) is a concept of central importance in Indian philosophy and religion. In the context of Hinduism, it refers to one's personal obligations, calling and duties,and a Hindu's dharma is affected by the person's age, caste, class, occupation, and gender.
Groucho Marx:
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
Kevin Delaney:
"Whether nosing through garbage, rolling in rotten seaweed or sniffing one another's hindquarters, dogs have a blissful appreciation for the simple pleasures in life. Like four-legged Zen masters, they grasp the importance of living in the moment, and along with being loyal and protective, can teach humans a lot.
Perhaps, that is, if their masters stopped setting such an anthropomorphized agenda and simply let them be dogs..."
Jonathan Yardley:
Our fur babies may be loveable and cuddly, but they've also confirmed us in many of our worst human instincts: to confront and litigate, to climb the social ladder and flaunt our high position once we've reached it, to become wholly absorbed in our own precious selves, to flatter ourselves with luxury and excess. As the man says in this terrific book, it's not about the dogs, it's about the people.
(review of 'ONE NATION UNDER DOG / Adventures in the New World of Prozac-Popping Puppies' by Michael Schaffer)
Harry Bliss is a unique cartoonist. I feel no one- scientist, artist, philosopher, poet- has reached deeper in a dog's soul than him.
Here is an example.

Artist: Harry Bliss
To view more pictures of Mr. Bliss, go to: www.harrybliss.com