"The recent visit by Iranian president Mohammed Ahmedinejad has not gone down well with the US, for obvious reasons.
But, Iran is an important actor in the region, one that India must have an independent dialogue with in the interest of regional stability and its own strategic and economic interests..."
As for US not happy, IDGRA. (I Don't Give a Rat's Ass)
But what about dialogue with Iran? In which language?
Wikipedia informs: “For five centuries prior to the British colonization, Persian/ Farsi was widely used as a second language in the Indian subcontinent; it took prominence as the language of culture and education in several Muslim courts in South Asia and became the "official language" under the Mughal emperors...”
This blog has visited Farsi a few times. See them here.
Most relevant being Shivaji’s command of the language
Look at the picture below.
The head of Indian state- very north Indian to boot- talking to the head of Iranian state with the help of interpreters!
It would have been impossible to imagine this in 1857.
Will this happen to British or American English? One day for sure. Indian English is on its way.

Picture Courtesy: Asian Age April 30, 2008