Julian Gough: '"Why so sad, people?" as Zadie Smith asks.
Well, it's just a habit by now. It's so ingrained in our culture that it has become an unexamined default position. What makes it much worse is that it is now being coached, reinforced. All of the writers on the Granta list attended university creative writing programmes. All, in other words, have submitted to authority. This is a catastrophe for them as novelists...'
Vijay Tendulkar was fond of Hemant Morparia's art. I can see why:
Morparia is a fearless gadfly, ever ready to pester our holy cows, not submitting to any authority.
I have seen many brilliant cartoons borne out of his brush. Here is the latest example.
A luxury book publisher is bringing out a special edition biography of Sachin Tendulkar with pages made from his blood.
This should have been fodder for many jesters. Instead all we see in our media are noisy Jee-Huzoors of Tendulkar.
Thankfully for me Morparia is antithesis of them and gives us this. Sure, it raises some stink because it is supposed to.