G. K. Chesterton has said : "There are two ways of getting home; and one of them is to stay there. The other is to walk round the whole world till we come back to the same place..."
Vinoba Bhave (1895-1982), 'जीवन-गाथा', 'ज्ञान ते सांगतो पुन्हा', 2004/2006 :
"...गावात एक मोठा तलाव होता. त्या तलावा जवळ एक उंच झाड व एक मोठे मंदिर होते. खूप वर्षानंतर जवळजवळ चाळीस वर्षानंतर मला पुन्हा गागोदे गावी जाण्याचा योग आला तेव्हा ते मंदिर, झाड, तलाव सर्वच फार लहान वाटले. तलाव इतका लहान की एका तीरावरून पलीकडील तीरावर दगड फेकणे शक्य होते. झाड इतके लहान की सहज त्यावर चढता येईल. पण बालपणी आपल्या दृष्टीला हे सर्व खूप मोठे दिसत असते .."
(...there was a large lake in the town. Near the lake there was a tall tree and a big temple. After many years almost forty years I happened to go to Gagode. Then the temple, the tree, the lake all were felt to be very small. Lake so small that it was possible to throw a stone from one bank to the other. Tree so small that it could be climbed easily. But during the childhood all this looked big to our eyesight...)
George Orwell (1903-1950). '‘Such, Such Were The Joys’, c 1947:
"...If I had to pass through Eastbourn I would not make a detour to avoid the school: and if I happened to pass the school itself I might even stop for a moment by the low brick wall, with the steep bank running down from it, and look across the flat playing field at the ugly building with the square of asphalt in front of it. And if I went inside and smelt again the inky, dusty smell of the big schoolroom, the rosiny smell of the chapel, the stagnant smell of the swimming bath and the cold reek of the lavatories, I think I should only feel what one invariably feels in revisiting any scene of childhood: How small everything has grown, and how terrible is the deterioration in myself!..."

Artist: Whitney Darrow,Jr. , The New Yorker, 17 July 1948
Not so high when you return as a grown man, kid