“…But our inspiration, our soul, our honour, our pride, our dignity, is rooted in our soil. It has to be of this earth. Soniaji you have became a part of us because you have all along respected this. We therefore find it strange that you should allow yourself to forget it at this crucial juncture. It is not possible that a country of 980 million, with a wealth of education, competence and ability, can have anyone other than an Indian, born of Indian soil, to head its government.
Some of us have tried to initiate and open broader discussions on this issue within the party. It is an issue which. affects not just the security, the economic interest and the international image of India, but hits at the core pride of every Indian. Unfortunately this initiative has been thwarted at every stage…”
p.s. The number 980 million now stands considerably upgraded to 1,130 million!

Artist: Danny Shanahan, The New Yorker, June 1 2009, Cartoon Caption Contest #195
My caption:
Sonia: “Sharad-ji, Have you started using western motifs just to please me? What happened to inspiration, soul, honour, pride, dignity that are rooted in your soil? But I will be happy only when you merge your party with the Congress.”