आम्ही मे ११ २०२४ रोजी दमून नॅशनल गॅलरी ऑफ आर्ट, वॉशिंग्टन डीसी मध्ये संध्याकाळी पोचलो पण माझी दमणूक बऱ्याच प्रमाणात रेम्ब्रांड यांनी स्वागत करून कमी केली!
पुढे Albrecht Dürer यांच्या या चित्राने तर ओठावर हसूच आणले...
Portrait of a Clergyman (Johann Dorsch?), 1516Philip Hoare त्यांच्या Dürer’s Lost Masterpiece: Art and Society at the Dawn of a Global World by Ulinka Rublack पुस्तकाच्या परिक्षणात स्पेक्टेटर , युके ऑगस्ट ५ २०२३ मध्ये म्हणतात :
"...Rublack’s great academic take, her USP on Dürer’s story, is
to show that trade and technology – Vorsprung durch Technik: the
artist’s home town of Nuremberg boasted 100 printing presses – enabled him to
become the man whom the critic Laura Cumming has hailed as ‘the first truly
international artist’. It helped to have friends in high places. Dürer’s
official patron was the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian and his best friend,
Willibald Pirckheimer, was an influential intellectual and serial womaniser. In
Rublack’s telling, the two men are always comparing their sexual conquests,
although she only mentions in passing that these ‘might have included
homosexual relationships’ – a somewhat prudish note, given that Dürer’s
greatest biographer, Erwin Panofsky, noted back in the 1930s Albrecht’s evident
predilection (in countless drawings and engravings) for well-endowed young men..."