Saturday, June 11, 2016

Art is Long-lasting, Life is Longish: Frank Modell, Anatol Kovarsky

Bob Mankoff announced deaths of two cartoonists on June 10 2016 with these wonderful words:

"Ars longa, vita brevis. For cartoonists, especially long-lived ones like Frank Modell, who died two weeks ago, at the age of ninety-eight, or Anatol Kovarsky, who passed away last week, at ninety-seven, it’s often the other way around. That just comes with the territory. The job of the cartoonist is to connect with your time, for a time, not for all time."

True but artists like Mondell and Kovarsky will continue to connect, at least for a while, even after they are now gone.

Frank Modell appeared seven times on this blog from January 1 2007 to April 23 are two of them:

The New Yorker, November 5 1960

The New Yorker, January 12 1957

Mr. Anatol Kovarsky appeared two times October 19 2007 and February 3 2014 (when I said :
Mr. Kovarsky is 94 years old and still drawing!)

The New Yorker, May 10 1947

The New Yorker    

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