Sunday, August 07, 2016

जीएंच्या महंताने 'आय, क्लॉडियस' वाचले होते का? G A Kulkarni and Robert Graves

जी ए कुलकर्णी, 'स्वामी'/ 'पिंगळवेळ', १९७७:
(महंत 'स्वामी'ला) "... भोवतालच्या माणसांना एकच मुंडी असती तर ती आपण अत्यंत आनंदाने पिरगाळली असती, असे वाटण्याजोगे क्षण तुझ्या आयुष्यात कधी आले नसतील?..."
 (मूळ प्रसिद्धी:  'दीपावली', १९७३)

Robert Graves, ‘I, Claudius’, 1934:
“...When I returned to Rome I heard that there had open trouble. Caligula had been disturbed one night by the distant noise of the people crowding to the amphitheatre just before dawn, and pushing and struggling to get near the gates, so that when these opened they could get into the front rows of the free seats.
Caligula sent a company of Guards with truncheons to restore order. The Guards were ill-tempered at being pulled from their beds for this duty and struck out right and left, killing a number of people, including some quite substantial citizens. To show his displeasure at having had his sleep disturbed by the original commotion and by the far louder noise that the people made when they scattered screaming before the truncheon charge, Caligula did not appear in the amphitheatre until well on in the afternoon when everyone was worn out by waiting for him, and hungry too. When Leek Green won the first heat there was no applause and even a little hissing.

Caligula leaped angrily from his seat: "I wish you had only a single neck.

I'd hack it through!"...”

Sir John Hurt as Caligula (Aug 0012 – Jan 0041) at the games from TV serial 'I, Claudius', 1976

courtesy: BBC