Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Alexandria and India...what empty words these kingdoms were

Islam Issa, 'Alexandria: The City that Changed the World', 2024:

"...Alexandrians also made the most of their location to travel. In the second century BCE, the Ptolemies learnt how to use the monsoon winds to sail directly from the Red Sea to the Indian coast, thus taking complete control of the Red Sea ports. Strabo records fleets of more than 120 ships setting sail towards India. According to a cargo list on a papyrus discovered in the late twentieth century, a huge ship named Hermapollon crossed the Indian Ocean and its crew returned to Alexandria with some 140 tonnes of pepper, 80 boxes of muskroot plants and 167 elephant tusks weighing 3.3 tonnes. On other occasions, they would return with sparkling gemstones and pearls, in addition to fine silks. They also brought back malabathrum (a cinnamon-like plant) and spikenard (a honeysuckle plant) whose leaves were pressed to make essential oils for perfume and medicine...."

"...The act of imagining Alexandria’s past inspired Cavafy to understand its present. In ‘Alexandrian Kings’, he visualises Cleopatra and Antony’s festival in which the queen crowned her children, insinuating that the whole population has always been able to see through the political façades:

and the Alexandrians rushed to the festival
filled with excitement, and shouted acclaim
in Greek, and in Egyptian, and some in Hebrew,
enchanted by the lovely spectacle −
though they knew what they were worth,
what empty words these kingdoms were...."


 Alexander’s incredibly lavish funeral procession, as imagined by Andrew Bauchant, 1940


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