Wednesday, July 10, 2024

G. A. Kulkarni, Herman Hesse...Siddhartha Had More of Nietzsche in him than of Buddha...जी, ए. कुलकर्णी, हर्मन हेस


जी, ए. कुलकर्णी म. द. हातकणंगलेकरांना ४. ७. ८० रोजी लिहतात :
"...I have felt very near to Hesse, for one simple reason. He does not mind being very very old fashioned....I doubt whether he can imagine , what may be loosely called ultimate. Reality without accepting God..."
(पृष्ठ २३७, 'जी.एं. ची निवडक पत्रे: खंड ४', २००६/२०२०')
जीएंना खरे हर्मन हेस फार समजले असे वाटत नाही...
जॉन ग्रे त्यांच्या ५ डिसेंबर २०१८ च्या न्यू स्टेट्समन मधील लेखात म्हणतात :
"... A lifelong narcissist, Hesse pursued relief from his own worries more than anything else. Even his secluded life in Switzerland, where his home was fronted by a sign saying “No Visitors”, did not give him the distance from the world he craved... If Hesse returned from the East to another bout of depression, one reason was that the goal of the religions he had been half-heartedly exploring was the opposite of what he was looking for. Hesse wanted self-realisation, whereas Eastern ¬mysticism aimed at the dissolution of the self. As Decker notes, Hesse’s Siddhartha had more of Nietzsche in him than of Buddha. For Hesse’s protagonist, as for Hesse himself, “It was not a question of renouncing the Self but of finding it. This was a very Western line of thought.” ... Hesse’s Magister Ludi remains a strangely insubstantial figure – not unlike Hesse himself. Apart from his overweening egotism, there is very little that is distinctive in this prophet of individuality. Though he made much of Jung’s theory of the divided self, Hesse was himself a man without a shadow."
जीएंना हेस यांचे "secluded life" आवडले होते काय?
जीएंना हेसची जवळीक वाटण्याचे कारण हे असू शकते:हेस जीएंसारखे चांगले चित्रकार होते आणि, जीएं जे हवे होते पण जमले नाही, तसे कवी सुद्द्धा!
"In 1912 he moved to Switzerland, where he wrote his best-known books, including the classic Siddhartha; composed poetry; and painted landscapes."
सोबतच्या चित्राचे नाव : At Agra , चित्रकार : Herman Hesse, वर्ष : १९१९


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