Wednesday, December 26, 2018

'The Sun is Chairman Mao, the Sun is the Communist Party' .....Mao Zedong@125


Steven Weinberg, January 2000:"....Under the banner of socialism Stalin's USSR and Mao's China gave us not utopias but ghastly anti-utopias. It is ironic that in the heyday of utopian thinking, in the nineteenth century, Karl Marx himself sneered at utopian thought, and claimed to be guided instead by a science of history. Of course, there is no science of history, but that's almost beside the point. Even if we could decide that some type of government or economy was historically inevitable, as Marx believed communism to be, it would not follow that this would be something we would like. If Marx had been an honest utopian, and recognized his responsibility to describe the society he wanted to bring into being, it might have been clearer from the beginning that the effort would end in tyranny. Hitler's Germany, too, started with utopian rhetoric: socialism combined with a maniac vision of a master race..."

Achieve Great Harvest Every Year (1964) pictured citizens beaming surrounded by a feast of vegetables even as the Great Famine killed tens of millions of people

'The Sun is Chairman Mao, the Sun is the Communist Party' was produced for the 46th anniversary of the party's founding in 1967.
 courtesy:  Propaganda Poster Art Centre, Shanghai  and Daily Mail, UK

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