Saturday, April 23, 2016

विल्या गेला 400 वर्षापूर्वी भाषेचा विस्तृत रंगपट उलगडून.....Shakespeare

Today April 23 2016 is 400th Death Anniversary of William Shakespeare

 विंदा करंदीकर: 

"...तुका म्हणे "विल्या,| तुझे कर्म थोर |
अवघाची संसार| उभा केला" ||..."..."

Jerry Brotton, FT, December 30 2015:

"...This year marks the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death and, inevitably, it will reveal more about ourselves than the Bard. Just consider the tercentenary in 1916. Then, as war raged in northern Europe, the English actor Herbert Beerbohm Tree was dispatched to New York to mark the occasion in suitable style at a safe distance. Back home, alongside muted performances and festivals, the scholar Israel Gollancz edited A Book of Homage to Shakespeare, described in its preface as “a worthy Record of the widespread reverence for Shakespeare as shared with the English-speaking world by our Allies and Neutral States”. Thomas Hardy, John Galsworthy and Rudyard Kipling all contributed, extolling the playwright’s peculiarly English qualities. More than 20 languages were represented among the 160-odd essays, including the Bengali of the poet Rabindranath Tagore..."

दिलीप  पुरुषोत्तम  चित्रे :

"...शेक्सपीयरला वगळून आपल्याला इंग्रजी भाषेच्या वाङमयीन संस्कृतीचा किंवा प्रतिभेचा विचारच करता येत नाही. कारण इंग्रजीच्या मुख्य प्रवाहाचा एक भागच मुळी शेक्सपीयरच्या वाङमयीन कृती आहेत. त्यांचा प्रभाव वाङमयापलीकडे, भाषेच्या सर्वकष जडणघडणीच्या प्रक्रियेवर पडेल इतका मोठा आणि जिवंत आहे. रांगड्या, गावरान आणि घरगुती भाषेपासून थेट उत्कट, चमत्कृतिपूर्ण, व्यक्तिविशिष्ट शैलीपर्यंत भाषेचा विस्तृत रंगपटच असा लेखक उलगडून दाखवतो..."

('पुन्हा तुकाराम', 1990/1995)

ह ना आपटे, c1883:
"… त्याची (शेक्सपिअरची) नाटके म्हणजे, विकारविलसितकारांच्या (म्हणजे गोपाळ गणेश आगरकर) मताप्रमाणे केवळ मनोरंजनार्थ नाहीत, तर ती त्यांच्या योग्यतेप्रमाणे वाचून त्यांचा अभ्यास केला असता आपणास जीर्णारण्याप्रमाणे भासणार्या जगात उपयोगी पडणारी वर्तणूक शिकवणारी आहेत…"

Stephen Greenblatt, NYRB, April 21 2016:

“Shakespeare’s death on April 23, 1616, went largely unremarked by all but a few of his immediate contemporaries. There was no global shudder when his mortal remains were laid to rest in Holy Trinity Church in Stratford. No one proposed that he be interred in Westminster Abbey near Chaucer or Spenser (where his fellow playwright Francis Beaumont was buried in the same year and where Ben Jonson would be buried some years later). No notice of Shakespeare’s passing was taken in the diplomatic correspondence of the time or in the newsletters that circulated on the Continent; no rush of Latin obsequies lamented the “vanishing of his breath,” as classical elegies would have it; no tributes were paid to his genius by his distinguished European contemporaries. Shakespeare’s passing was an entirely local English event, and even locally it seems scarcely to have been noted....”


The Shakespeare edition that Nelson Mandela read on Robben Island

courtesy/ Artist: Dave Coverly

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