Sunday, April 14, 2013

उंच माथ्यावरी चढून कधीतरी बकरी पाला खाते...And then Happens a Rescue Mission!

Loksatta (लोकसत्ता) dated April 14, 2013 quotes a part of B S Mardhekar (बा सी मर्ढेकर) poem on its first page in the story: "अजुनी बकरी पाला खाते.."
Initially I was so happy to see Mardhekar quoted on the first page that reads: "अजुनी फुलांना गंध येतो,
अजुनी बकरी पाला खाते..". But then disappointment set in.

First of all,  it‘s not quoted correctly. 

It should read:

"अजून येतो वास फुलांना
अजून बकरी पाला खाते."

The full stanza reads:

"अजून येतो वास फुलांना
अजून माती लाल चमकते;
खुरट्या बुंध्यावरी चढून 
अजून बकरी पाला खाते."

A leading Marathi newspaper quoting  an important Marathi poet in a sloppy manner...will Guardian or The New York Times quote YeatsAuden or Eliot like this?.

Secondly, I don't know how the contributor thought of this poem,  describing a thrilling rescue operation of goats from  great heights, because 'Mardhekar's goat' is grazing on shortish  heights (खुरट्या बुंध्यावरी)!

Finally, for me,  Mardhekar’s poem does quite fit there because his poem is a cry against Korean war that was fought between 1950-1953. Read little more about the poem on this blog here.

courtesy: Loksatta April 14 2013 and unknown photo artist(s)

With apologies to the late poet:

"अजून येतो वास फुलांना
अजून माती लाल चमकते;
उंच माथ्यावरी चढून 
कधीतरी बकरी पाला खाते..." 

and then happens a rescue mission!

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