Thursday, June 09, 2022

तुझ्या जिभेला... शिस्नाला काही हाड...!...Bone in Tongue and Boner!

Today June 9, the date that can be represented as '69', is National Sex Day in many places around the world.

In December 2016, it was widely reported that scientists may now know why humans have no penis bone. Read one of the reports here.

I thought it was funny.

Now we all know a tongue has no bone. "Because the tongue is all muscle and no bone, it is very supple, boasting a huge range of motion and shape while preserving its volume." (Scientific American, August 2014)

In Marathi, there is a saying that the person who has no bone (हाड) in his tongue (जिभ) talks recklessly.

Therefore the implication is, if a human tongue had a bone, we would talk less recklessly.

On the other hand, if we had a bone in our penis, we would probably copulate much longer!

“...The study's lead author Matilda Brindle told The Independent one of the reasons humans had lost their penis bone was because we do not have sex for long enough to need one. "The common ancestors of both primates and carnivores had a baculum," she said. "Humans are quite weird as we're one of the few primates that doesn't have one"
Primates who mate for three minutes or more tend to have far longer penis bones than those whose intromission, or vaginal penetration, is below three minutes, she said. "The human intromission duration tends to be below two minutes, which most people wouldn't expect." In contrast, the aye-aye, a nocturnal lemur, copulates for around an hour at a time and has a very long baculum...”

But then again humans of both sexes do use their tongues for, often longer, sex!

Artist: Tom Mitchell