Monday, September 05, 2016

If Dinanath Dalal Were to Paint Setsuko Hara, A Japanese Nutan

Today September 5 2016 is first death anniversary of Setsuko Hara

Christoph Niemann, The New Yorker, September 2016:
“When I draw, I select elements and amplify them—every artist does. It’s a reduction that reveals the essence of the scene.”

Ms. Hara appeared on this blog on February 23 2013: Setsuko Hara 原 節子: A Japanese Nutan.

Since her death, I have wondered how she could have been drawn by Dinanath Dalal who drew the following picture of an imaginary woman:

Setsuko Hara on left with Chishū Ryū in Yasujirō Ozu's masterpiece 'Late Spring', 1949

courtesy: Shochiku