Thursday, February 02, 2017

वसंत सरवटे ...Vision of Eldon Dedini and Vasant Sarwate Who Would Have Turned 90

Tomorrow February 3 2017 will be 90th birth anniversary of Vasant Sarwate (वसंत सरवटे), the first one after his death.

I have already written on this blog the vision of Sarwate in predicting where Mumbai was headed.

Caption in Marathi reads: "तो पहा ! तो पहा !! रिषी कपूर ! रिषी कपूर !!"

I came across similar visionary cartoon on where our electioneering could be headed.

Artist: Eldon Dedini, The New Yorker, October 4 1952 

(Two helicopters sporting campaign signs on the side, “Vote for Tom Jackson for Congress” and “Vote for O’Conner for Congress.” One pilot shoots down the other plane campaigning for opponent.)
