Monday, June 01, 2015

...She Had the Radio On...and She Will Never Die

Today June 1 2015 is 89th Birth Anniversary of Marilyn Monroe

Cecil Beaton on Marilyn Monroe:

"She had rocketed from obscurity to become our post-war sex symbol, the pin-up girl of an age. And whatever press agentry or manufactured illusion may have lit the fuse, it is her own weird genius that has sustained her flight. Transfigured by the garish marvel of Technicolor cinemascope, she walks like an undulating basilisk, scorching everything in her path…. Perhaps she was born just the post-war day we had need of her. Certainly she had no knowledge of the past. Like Giraudoux’s Ondine, she is only fifteen years old, and she will never die."

"It’s not true that I had nothing on, I had the radio on."