Saturday, June 08, 2013

I Only Want You to Love Me...What Was I Doing In That Kitchen?

Alejandro Zambra:
My books would be very different if I had written them in another room, looking out another window.

Charles Simic:

" A good photograph, like a good poem, is a self-contained little universe inexhaustible to scrutiny."
Margaret Atwood:

“...Don’t move, I think. Stay like that, let me have that.”

Artist: Miles Aldridge, 'I Only Want You to Love Me', created 2005-2012

 When I first saw the picture above, needless to say where I was looking and what I was focused on...It took a while for me to note that she was doing plumbing work under a sink!

And what started only as carnal ended in very complex emotions.

Very glamorous 'she' was disconnected from her surroundings and yet she belonged...And what was I doing in that kitchen? Was it her or was it mine? Was I a being voyeur taking advantage of her discomfiture?

And finally, was she asking me to fuck off?

Probably yes!