Thursday, January 07, 2010

Alec Baldwin reminds me of Shammi Kapoor

Today Alec Baldwin is probably the best comedian around in Anglo-Saxon world including India.

In non-animated space that is. He loses to Homer and Bart Simpson when competition widens.

His slightly-drunk looks, right-wing views and everreadiness to say something dismissive of the world in 30 ROCK make me laugh.

I first liked him when he announced that he was God. (Malice,1993)

Is there any other reason why I like him so much? Yes, he reminds of Shammi Kapoor.

Because for me, although he himself doesn't say it, Shammi Kapoor was god of entertainment. He stood for: Good food, pretty girls, mellifluous music, the lark's on the wing, god's in his heaven!

Read an earlier post on Mr. Kapoor here.

I still remember how, while watching Brahmchari(1968), sitting with my mother in 'Ladies' of Deval cinema in Miraj, I got to my feet and started cheering wildly during his fight with Pran towards the end of the movie. Mr. Kapoor, I am happy to report, won the bout! He continues to do so till today.

I have been watching Season 3 of 30 Rock on Star World and can't help feel how Alec Baldwin looks similar to Shammi Kapoor.

Particularly when he takes a stylish turn in this theme song/title sequence .