Monday, July 14, 2008

Sure We Live Longer but in the same Pile of Dirt?

“…evolution and progress are synonymous, whereas it may well be that evolution will give to insects and bacteria the final victory in their relentless war with man. It is not quite evident that the industrial state is either more pacific or more moral than the “militant” feudalism that preceded it. Athens’ most destructive wars came long after her feudal lords had yielded power to a commercial bourgeoisie…”

( “The Story of Philosophy” Will Durant first published in 1926)

No wonder I often think present day Maharashtra, in many ways, resembles the one ruled by Bajirao II in early 19th century or the one that existed just before Shahaji- Shivaji’s father- came on the scene.

Artist: Johnny Hart “B.C.” (Asian Age July 9, 2008)