Wednesday, December 27, 2006

9/11 induced Brotherhood- Best before.......

Published in The New Yorker November 12, 2001 artist:Bruce Eric Kaplan

9/11 was huge for USA and the world. Befitting 21st century, it also was TVgenic. It created a lot of shock and awe.

Americans felt insecure and sought safety. They made more love in weeks following that than ever.

Outside bedrooms, it created a sense of brotherhood in that otherwise deeply divided nation - precisely for two months!

We in India go through similar roller-coaster rides with our feelings. We need to remember teachings of our poet-saints when best-before date is reached.

Home Alone - Dark and darker art signed BEK

Published in The New Yorker September 8, 2003 Artist : Bruce Eric Kaplan

We have large home, lots of stuff, number of rooms,

We never use some of them, here is child,

We never use him either!

How many times I remember I have met the house, its rooms, its toilets, its cars, its a/c's, its sofas, its proud re-sale sq-ft rate, its balconies but not adequately its people.

One word on chracters of BEK. They seem to be synchronised... Moving in a pattern.... Slightly leaning.