Monday, December 11, 2006

What is enough?

Artist : Robert Kraus Published in The New Yorker July 1960

The man who invented fire has come under "fire" from a fellow hunter-gatherer.

I wonder if there was any violence in the cave after this.

Did the fire-inventor survive that?

Society still doesn't even know I exist!

Artist : William Steig Published in The New Yorker issue dated May 28 1960 the week I was borne.

Well, society still doesn't even know I exist! Why should it? Why must there be greatness?

Mukti or Bhakti? Hunter-gatherer or sit-com watching Homo sapien?

Mel Brooks: “Nietzsche whispers to you: ‘Without audacity there is no greatness.’ Freud whispers to you: ‘Why must there be greatness?’ That fight’s still going on. And you don’t understand either one, because they’re both whispering in German."